accumulate(1:10, ~ .x + .y)
[1] 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Andrew MacDonald
December 7, 2016
Today I want to tell you about an approach for functional programming in R – and then apply it to studying population growth!
I have been studying some of the purrr
functions lately. They are a useful family of functions for performing two common tasks in R: manipulating lists and altering the behaviour of functions. If you’d like a high-quality guide to this group of functions, set aside some time to work through Jenny Bryan’s excellent tutorial and Hadley Wickham’s chapter on Lists.
I was inspired to write this post after reading This StackOverflow question by jebyrnes. He asks:
I want to simulate a timeseries of something like population growth. […] I feel like there has to be a dplyr or tidyverse way to do this (as much as I love my for loop).
and there is! An answerer mentioned purr::accumulate()
. In this post I’m going to expand on the approach they suggest. accumulate
, and its twin reduce
, are examples of functionals – functions that take functions as their arguments, and manipulate their behaviour in some way. purrr::accumulate
is a wrapper around to Reduce
from the base package, with the argument accumulate = TRUE
is normally used when you want to do some cumulative function all along a vector. For example, we can reproduce the cumulative some of a vector like this (same output as cumsum(1:10))
and .y
here are just a handy way of writing “the first thing” and “the second thing”. Then accumulate goes down the vector 1:10
, and takes the first thing (1
) adds it to the second thing (2
) and so on….
However, this is not the only way it works! accumulate
can take an initial value (.init
) and can work on a dummy variable. If its starting function does nothing but modify an element, it will just keep modifying it: so instead of f(1, 2), f(f(1, 2), 3)
we get f(.init), f(f(.init))
[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[1] 50.0000 75.0000 112.5000 168.7500 253.1250 379.6875 569.5312
[8] 854.2969 1281.4453 1922.1680 2883.2520
Clearly, the 0
s are not involved in any calculation (the answer would be 0
!). instead, you just get the starting value multiplied by 1.5
each time!
This already suggests an awesome biological interpretation: logistic population growth.
pop_size <- accumulate(dummy, ~ .* 1.5, .init = 50)
data_frame(time = 1:11, pop_size) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = pop_size)) +
geom_point() + geom_line()
Warning: `data_frame()` was deprecated in tibble 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use `tibble()` instead.
On thing I like about this is that is is to much easier to look at – it look like the common biological equation for population growth:
\[ N_{t+1} = r*N_t \]
In the original question, jebyrnes asked if parameters could be allowed to vary over time. Here is a way of allowing that to happen. We have to get a bit more abstract, and write a function which takes both population growth rate lambda
and the population at time Nt as inputs
exp_growth <- function(lambda, Nt) lambda * Nt
pop_functions <- data_frame(time = 1:20,
lambda_con = 1.12,
lambda_var = 1.12 + rnorm(20, 0, 0.2)) %>%
# make a list of functions
mutate(fns_con = map(lambda_con, ~ partial(exp_growth, lambda = .x, .lazy = FALSE)),
fns_var = map(lambda_var, ~ partial(exp_growth, lambda = .x, .lazy = FALSE)))
Warning: The `.lazy` argument is soft-deprecated as of purrr 0.3.0.
Please unquote the arguments that should be evaluated once and for all.
# Before:
partial(fn, u = runif(1), n = rnorm(1), .lazy = FALSE)
# After:
partial(fn, u = !!runif(1), n = !!rnorm(1)) # All constant
partial(fn, u = !!runif(1), n = rnorm(1)) # First constant
This warning is displayed once per session.
# A tibble: 6 × 5
time lambda_con lambda_var fns_con fns_var
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <list> <list>
1 1 1.12 1.40 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
2 2 1.12 0.974 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
3 3 1.12 1.07 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
4 4 1.12 1.33 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
5 5 1.12 1.26 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
6 6 1.12 0.859 <prrr_fn_> <prrr_fn_>
Now we have, instead of one function, many tiny little functions which each convert between time steps. The function purrr::partial()
is handy for _partial_ly filling in the arguments of a function. Here it sets the value of the population growth rate between generations (lambda
), and leaves us with a function that only needs one value, the population size.
How do we run these little functions? We need yet another function – this time, a function that takes two functions and runs the second on the first:
Applying this function will let us run all the functions held in pop_functions
. All we need to supply is the starting number of individuals for each population:
simulated_growth <- pop_functions %>%
mutate(pops_con = accumulate(fns_con, run_both, .init = 10)[-1],
pops_var = accumulate(fns_var, run_both, .init = 10)[-1])
simulated_growth %>%
select(time, starts_with("pops")) %>%
tidyr::gather("growthtype", "size", -time) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = size, colour = growthtype)) + geom_line()
rerun(40, {data_frame(time = 1:20,
lambda_var = 1.12 + rnorm(20, 0, 0.1)) %>%
# make a list of functions
mutate(fns_var = map(lambda_var, ~ partial(exp_growth, lambda = .x, .lazy = FALSE)),
pops_var = accumulate(fns_var, run_both, .init = 10)[-1]) %>%
select(time,lambda_var, pops_var)}) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "sim") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = pops_var, group = sim)) + geom_line()
I found, to my delight, that this approach works for more complicated objects than mere single numbers. We can, for example track a pair of numbers – say, the abundances of a predator and a prey!
I’m a community ecologist, and so my favourite bedtime story is the tale of the Logistically Growing Resource and the Predator:
\[ R_{t+1} = R_t \times (1 + r \times (1 - R_t/K)) - P \times a \]
\[ P_{t+1} = P_t \times (1 - m + c \times R_t \times a) \]
res_cons <- function(vec, m, r, K, a, c){
out1 <- vec[["res"]] * (1 + r * (1 - vec[["res"]] / K ) - vec[["con"]] * a)
out2 <- vec[["con"]] * (1 - m + c * vec[["res"]] * a)
c("res" = out1, "con" = out2)
paper_mod <- partial(res_cons, r = 1, K = 100, m = 0.21, c = 0.15, a = 0.032)
accumulate(1:200, ~ paper_mod(.x), .init = c("res" = 50, "con" = 1)) %>%
tibble::enframe(.) %>%
mutate(res = map_dbl(value, "res"),
con = map_dbl(value, "con")) %>%
select(-value) %>%
gather(trophic, abd, -name) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = name, y = abd, colour = trophic)) + geom_line()
I wonder if this might be an interesting pedagogical tool. I feel like it might place the emphasis a bit differently to for-loops. Perhaps a for loop emphasizes the passage of time – how, at each time step (each i
for example) certain things happen in a certain order (the Resource grows, the Predator kills some, then some predators die, etc). On the other hand, I feel like the functional programming approach emphasizes how a population (or pair of populations) is transformed. Each little function has some parameters – which are either, constant, varying, and/or influenced by something besides population size – and each little function does only one thing – transform the population between one time step and the next.